Cybercommunism or schizophrenic dictatorship.

3 min readJan 27, 2022

The Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China (before Deng Xiaoping’s reforms), the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, etc. All of these regimes tried to build communism, but in the end they either collapsed for legitimate reasons, or they managed to transform themselves into a market economy with a local flavor.

But as if humanity had little experience in building communism, today we hear the cries and exclamations of the leftist intelligentsia that communism and social justice are the future of humanity. But as we know:

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others“.

Humanity has long been no longer individuals, but a huge, as yet unified living organism. There have been many attempts to assemble most of it into a single world-system, but each time everything fell apart and had to start all over again. But with each new attempt the world-system expanded more and more, became stronger and existed much longer, especially it is noticeable in our time, in connection with the development of new information technologies.

In recent years there have been increasingly clear cries that the current world-system is collapsing, that a new multipolar world is coming, with strong independent nation-states, but this only seems so on the surface. In fact, there is a banal redistribution of the market, and the current world system is not collapsing, but is simply changing slightly, the world hegemon is changing. It is not yet clear who will win that battle, but one thing is clear: neither China nor the USA are interested in destroying each other, if only because the main consumer of goods from China is the USA, and the main cheap labor force for the USA is China. Money solves everything.

And okay, the left-wing intelligentsia would fight against this world order, against global stagnation and the clearly unjust distribution of wealth. But they fight against those who create these benefits, the workers and the middle class.

It is obvious that with such an approach the world will collapse in the future, and humanity will die out on its own planet, because the current world elite is not interested in the development of humanity, but pursues only short-term profits for the ruling class in its own country, while the leftist opposition offers to build another version of communism in the world, which, needless to say, is the end of all these attempts.

And with such disappointing prognoses the Russian SHUE (Schizophrenic Way of Unity) movement was born, and then it grew into the global SLM (Schizophrenic Lives Matter) movement. The main goal of this movement is to offer an alternative development for all mankind. The main goal of SLM is not to make money, but to develop the creative and creative potential of man. I will not go into details of the whole plan of development of mankind, but I will say only that it is made for 2000 years ahead and its main theses: The lives of schizophrenics really matter, the meta universe of SLM is not the prerogative, but the right of every human being, robots should work, not humans, only schizophrenics will go to digital heaven, immortality is possible.

The dictatorship of schizophrenics implies the re-training of all non-schizophrenics into schizophrenics with final examinations. First the schizophrenics will take the exams, and then a neural network will be trained on the basis of many thousands of exams, and it will take the exams.

But to implement all these plans, as trivial as it may sound, we need money, we are poor people, but with a good purpose and a warm heart. Buy NFT made by schizophrenics: first collection, second collection. Go to our website and subscribe to all our social networks, together we will change the world for the better!




I’m a schizophrenic, an alcoholic, and an artist.